More than 65,000 litigation professionals choose Concordance® for electronic discovery, litigation document management, and litigation support. Concordance makes it easy to identify, organize and analyze case-critical information so that you can collaborate and share—across your firm or around the world.
Concordance gives you the most effective, cost-efficient way to manage the high volume of documents—including emails and e-documents—generated during litigation.
Concordance also includes an exciting new way for litigators to instantly conduct legal research, right from their discovery documents. Whether accessing documents from your desktop, laptop or the web, Concordance delivers award-winning, industry-leading features that turn discovery as you know it, into discovery as you want it.
Organize and manage immense volumes of litigation data and OCR text
Concordance discovery software is used on the largest cases being litigated today. It can handle over 33 million records per database and allows up to 250 customizable fields per record.
Import, search and organize e-mail and other electronic discovery documents quickly and accurately
E-mail Wizard directly imports Microsoft® Outlook® files, retaining original formatting, hyperlinks to attachments and metadata. Electronic Document Wizard makes it simple to load and search Word, Excel®, PowerPoint®, WordPerfect®, PDFs, HTML, XML and more. The enhanced e-discovery import Wizard in Concordance further reduces the time and cost of document review.
M manage transcripts more effectively
Perform simple bulk import and export of plain text (ASCII) and PCF files, which retain original formatting. With a single mouse click you can “Go To” any document, page number or line number. Add onto and search notes, issue codes and quick-marks, and hyperlink directly to trial exhibits.
SUMMARY: In my opinion, concordance is one of the effective way that can improve language learners learning skill. Learners also can improve their grammar and writing knowledge trough concordance, which will help them when they work in the future.As a language learner , everyone should realize the importance of concordance in language learning.
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