Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



TITLE:Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches to Language Acquisition: Conceptual and Empirical Intersections.

SUMMARY:The past 20 years have seen research on language acquisition in the cognitive sciences grow immensely. The current paper offers a fairly extensive review of this literature, arguing that new cognitive theories and empirical data are perfectly consistent with core predictions a behavior analytic approach makes about language development. The review focuses on important examples of productive linguistic behavior: word learning and early grammatical behavior. Language experience, through social and other contingencies, influences language development directly. Through these contingencies, the structure of language behavior exhibits a gradual emergence. Keywords: language acquisition; linguistic behavior; grammar; syntax learning; word learning.


TITLE:Bridging the Digital Divide.(Industry Trend or Event).

SUMMARY:The so-called digital divide is usually defined as the gap between the affluent and poor in technology ownership and Internet access and can depend primarily on race, geography, economic status or any combination of the three. A survey of businesses shows that 16 percent are 'extremely concerned' about the digital divide, 48 percent are 'somewhat concerned' and 36 percent report no concern at all. Business is nevertheless beginning to take a more active role in promoting technology to disadvantaged regions. Projects range from, a nonprofit group linking New York state public schools to equipment and grants, to the North Carolina Rural Internet Access Authority, which builds telework centers and develops online access to key resources for small communities. Inequalities nevertheless remain, and a survey of 46 public black colleges shows a $700 million shortfall in the funds needed to meet current technology needs. Globally, the 'divide' includes such more fundamental issues as illiteracy, lack of telephone access, suspicion among local peoples toward Western nations and the fact that while the industrialized world contains only 15 percent of world population, it has 88 percent of Internet users.


TITLE:Study seeks 'disappearing IT women'.(The Disappearing Women: North-West ICT Project)

SUMMARY:Tash Researchers from the University of Salford are trying to find out why so many women leave the IT industry. The percentage of women in the IT workforce has fallen from 27% in 1996 to 21%, according to the Office of National Statistics. The research project - The Disappearing Women: North-West ICT Project - follows a study by the university examining the experience of 500 female IT professionals. "We noticed a lot of job churn and we were wondering why," said academic fellow Marie Griffiths. "The women we have spoken to say the workplace is quite hostile and is not compatible with raising a family."She also cited one woman in an IT management role who found junior male colleagues were being paid 15,000 more than her. The researchers can be contacted at


TITLE:Operationalisation of quality constructs for e-learning at higher education.

SUMMARY:new developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) to support learning has brought about increasing interest by both academic and non-academic institutions in e-learning. The developments in ICT are principally multimedia and the Internet with its World Wide Web. Interest in ICT supported learning is also fuelled by the associated (expected) cost reduction and easy expansion of education to the increasing and flexible market that is difficult to reach by traditional delivery. Expansion of e-learning, especially in higher education, raises the issue of quality resulting in both anecdotal and empirical evidence of how to achieve high quality while at the same time benefiting from e-learning. After examining key current research, Usoro and Abid (2008) developed a conceptual framework of nine factors of quality in elearning at higher education. These factors include content, delivery, technical provision (referred to as tangibles) and globalisation. This paper takes the research further by attempting to operationalise the nine factors such that a future study can perform primary study to validate the framework.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The similarities and differences between and eric digest.

Both these things are mainly for giving information about certain topics.It make us easier to find information about something.It really save our energy and time. is a "smart" metasearch engine.It contains variety of engines, directories, and deep content sites, properly formats the words and syntax for each, compiles their results in a virtual database, eliminates duplicates, and displays them in a uniform manner according to relevance.It also provide useful tools to its users.

Eric digest
ERIC Digests are short reports education. There are a large variety of topics covered including teaching, learning, libraries, charter schools, special education, higher education, home schooling, and many more.targeted specifically for teachers, administrators, policymakers, and other practitioners, but generally useful to the broad educational community.It has been designed to provide an overview of information on a given topic, plus references to items providing more detailed information. is a specific search engine.But eric digest is a search which provides a lot of information about variety of topics.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Blogging and Writing Courses

A blog is a type of website, which allows users to make postings (i.e. to blog) that resemble an online journal or diary. Most blogs make use of text; however, users have the capability to communicate using photographs, audio (podcasting), and videos (vlog). This application, which is very popular among teenagers and young adults, belongs in the family of open source software, i.e. applications which are freely available for public use. But what does a blog have to do with writing courses?

Dr. Jill Walker, Weblogs: Learning to Write in the Network: “Weblogs are good as learning journals … but all these things could be done in a paper notebook - though the knowledge that other people are (or can be) reading is important. … What’s more important to teach our students is network literacy: writing in a distributed, collaborative environment. … Bringing network literacy to the classroom means jolting students out of the conventional individualistic, closed writing of essays only ever seen by your professor.” (

Many students use blogs to keep personal journals and share their thoughts with the world. Building on this trend, faculty are increasingly using blogs as electronic journals. At a minimum, blogs allow students to comment and reflect on assigned readings in a creative and collaborative process. However, the potential benefits of using blogs in the writing classroom can be so much more. The very nature of a blog is its work-in-progress characteristic. Students often struggle with revising their work beyond the first or second read. Blogs provide opportunities for students to experiment with multiple versions of a paper as well as a means to solicit feedback and suggestions from their peers. Additionally, blogs give students an opportunity to see how other students employ writing and editing strategies in their work. A benefit for professors is the ability to maximize feedback. Whether writing a few choice suggestions on how to improve a paper or highlighting select techniques in students’ work, blogging offers a means to authentically interact with students.

Faculty can take advantage of the interactive capabilities of blogging to encourage students to discuss, collaborate, and elaborate on posted assignments. Whether the lecturer teaches on-campus or at a distance, he or she could guide students to use blogs in group projects and to produce collaborative writing work. The creative nature of online, collaborative work can emphasize the value of authorship and proper citation. Taking pride in their writing, can in turn lead students to genuinely realize the value of writing and the wrongs of plagiarism.

There are some blogs that I ejoyed reading. Some of those are:

I really like to read the first blog because that blog is all about transsexual issue. Actually I and my coursemates had created that blog last semester. Even though we created that blog just because of our group project, but we did had fun while doing the project. Every piece of writing in that blog comes from our own idea. We did a lot of references before we publish our post. Through this, we did gained some knowledge about our topic of discussion, which is transsexual.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Welcome to my blog. Here i would like to share about what i have found about reading for information. Content of my blog is all about some reading materials which are important for English language users. So, i hope all of you will get some knowledge about reading for information when you visit my blog. I hope you will enjoy visiting my blog. please don't forget to post your comments as it will be very helpful for me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009